Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Just back from 5 days of Art adventures in Port Townsend, if you've been you know! Here's a recap
First a little road trip with friends, for the way up. I could not get Tory and Dayna to stop waving their pom poms, out the windows of cars even, they are quite the enthusiastic girls! (click their names to read more about our adventure)
Here's a car parked at the Fort Worden, girl has a glue gun.

All the buildings at Fort Worden were built in 1899, walking around the campus is like stepping back in time, very peaceful.
The Castle on the hill over looking the ocean....
We had one sunny day, the beach beckoned but duty called.
Dinner with my house mates one night.
Silly Art from the iron chef competition, all the pieces were made in an hour, gotta love the circus theme!
My first day, a little collage, fabric and dye ....

Jesse Reno...what a breath of fresh air, so much more, then about putting paint on a canvas, listening to yourself and going for it....nice

First layer...of many many layers. All mixed with primary colors in our hands

.........more layers
A sheet from some exercises, so much value in letting go
The final piece, I did do a "Jesse style", not so much my authentic style, but fun and lots to consider. My easel and paints are calling me, as soon as the circus show leaves town .


  1. wish I could have been there this year

  2. Great recap, Steph. What a fun week it was. (And you don't even snore all that much!)

  3. i am so wanting to get there one year. thank you for the little window! loving your artworkl

  4. Thanks for sharing! Would love to go one day.
