The magical secret round rocks were found this past weekend! Being a lifelong hunter and gatherer, the lure of finding these perfectly round beauties was a highlight....
At a art workshop earlier this year, another artist brought in these special rocks as a possible addition to her art project, I was so captivated, she sweetly gave me one, told me that they were traded by the local Indians and finally told me vaguely where the ONLY place to find these were ....Some of them are big enough to fit in my palm and some small like marbles.
Finding just the right bowls to display them, will be a happy project, I always pick up loose twine on the beach so sea life won't get tangled. I also got a seal bone, I however, was not allowed to bring home the beautiful bone flipper with bits of fur...something about the smell
The adventure begins, my sister Margo leads the way on a rare hot Oregon coast day.
The cliffs had lots of interesting colors, lots little rock slides, then some bigger ones kept happening. We had to keep our heads up.
I loved how the seaweed embraced the rock and clinging to it for dear life