For so long I've been a Decorating Magazine addict,
tearing out the pages and taping them in files, my wish lists...
That is so old school. I signed up for Pinterest
when they first started, then never "pinned", finally I started browsing, and WOW the photos of art ,food, clothes, you name it, just blow me away

So...goodbye torn magazine files, and outrageous magazine bills...... I do hope the magazines are here to stay, after all a lot of the photos originate from them, so I hope the credits they get, are enough...

The above books is two of seven I made for Valentines day for friends...
I carved the outlines of the hearts and tree after I painted them.
They'll be pinned in my art page
They'll be pinned in my art page
I'll be pinning this collection of old metal Foosball players,
I saw at a local antique store
I saw at a local antique store
And This Mermaid I carved will be pinned under my woodcarving page
CLICK on the Pinterest button on the right side of this page
to see my progress thus far. Join and let me know so I can see what you love!
CLICK on the Pinterest button on the right side of this page
to see my progress thus far. Join and let me know so I can see what you love!